Here To Answer All Your Questions

Find answers to our most frequently asked questions below. If you can't find what you're looking for please contact us and we'll get in touch within 24 working hours.

As soon as you place the order, you will receive a confirmation email including order number and the estimated time of delivery.

An order cannot be modified, once placed. However, you can contact us on our email and we will do our best to assist you.

Once your order is shipped, you will receive an email with all the required information (shipping company, AWB number, etc.) to track your order.

We offer free shipping for all orders above a certain value, which is notified from time to time. We also offer Cash-On-Delivery to many locations. You should consider the shipping rates shown at the time of check-out to be final.

Yes, we do have Cash On Delivery facility on orders in select cities* (for orders above a minimum value of Rs. 399)

Once you place the order, it is shipped within 1-3 business days and you can expect it to be delivered within 4-9 business days. Note: Remote areas, unexpected weather conditions and natural calamities might affect the actual delivery time.

Yes, the billing and shipping addresses can be different.

No. we currently ship in India only. But hopefully will start going global in the near future!

Kindly contact us at, we will assist you in making the online payment

Please refer to our Shipping & Returns Policy

Please email us at or whatsapp us at +91 74000 69081